Amazon Stock (AMZN) - Buy, Hold or Sell? Chart, News, Strategies, Discussions, and More

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Thu, 29 Mar 2012 - By - Subscribe to MPTrader Services, Free 15-Day Trial

Amazon Green Amid Sea of Market Red

Amidst a sea of red today, Inc. (AMZN) is green (for now), which has much to do with its overall medium-term bullish chart pattern. Let’s notice that this past Monday, Amazon broke above its multi-month resistance plateau at 200.00/50, and rocketed to 209.36, thereafter. Since then, Amazon has pulled back to retest its upside breakout level (200.31 was yesterday’s low), but today gapped to the upside towards the 204-205 area in what has the right look of upside continuation in the aftermath of a classic retest of multi-month support. Barring a decline that breaks 200.00, Amazon should be heading to revisit 209.35, on its way to 215-217, thereafter.


About, Inc. (AMZN)

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Amazon Stock

Named after the largest river in the world, is one of the earliest companies to have successfully capitalized on the burgeoning concept of e-commerce. Basically an American company, it is credited as being the largest online retailer in the world and operates through a number of websites which have been individualized as per the specific country. Because it has been successful enough to be counted amongst the Fortune 500 companies, expansion is the next natural step and the company is hoping to accomplish this by launching websites in more countries around the world.

The main driving force behind Amazon's rise to this position of leadership has been incessant technological advancement and this in turn has spurred innovation wherein the company is able to offer its customers improved products at a lower price. Every customer who visits the Amazon website is treated to an individualized shopping experience and is guided in accordance with his choice, budget and personal restraints.

Ever since its inception, the website has always been home to a vast product range and there is hardly a buyer in the world who would be disappointed at the offerings. Ranging from electronics to jewelry, sports equipment, books and readers, the product offerings are innumerable with new listings being added every day and the previous slots being expanded with new models.

Easy navigation within the website is facilitated courtesy of community features and enables the buyers to conduct an in-depth research on the product prior to purchase thus ensuring that they make an educated choice. Some of the other areas into which this company has diversified are online advertising, promotional agreements and provision of co-branded credit cards., Inc. Latest News



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